Saturday, April 26, 2014

Adobe LiveCycle Beginners Guide---Adobe Livecycle Forms with Tabs.

Tab creating in Adobe Livecycle.

How will we create Tabs in  Livecycle ? 
This is simple for experts but its a little difficult for the beginner. In this post i have come up with a simple Adobe LC form with 3 tabs. 
In real time projects we will use tabs in different scenarios.
Tabs can be used for generating different views of same page. 

 ie: You can have a Form an interactive form(Forms which user can able to enter data) in one tab and another tab can be used for its Draft view an third tab for its Print view.
You use one tab for one product or module and other tabs for another products.
So when you click on each tab the same page will display different information. Just like an HTML tab.
Here I am talking about tab and not the inbuilt tab order functionality.

How to create?

It's Quite Simple and easy. 

Step 1: 
Create a table with 3 columns and 1 row.

Step 2:
Place the simple submit buttons on 3 columns and name Home, Page 1 and Page 2 . These buttons can be customized to give a tab look based on your requirement and skills.

Steps 3:
Create 3 different sub forms below the Table and name it Home, Page 1 and  Page 2 respectively.

Steps 4:
Add contents to you pages.


Use the below code for hiding and displaying the sub forms .
Page the below code under Click event of Home button.


Page the below code under Click event of Home button.


Page the below code under Click event of Home button.



Select the Sub second and third sub form and Change its presence to Hidden. ie: Hide the second and third sub forms.

Please find the sample files attached and leave your valuable comments.

PDF version

XDP Version

Friday, January 31, 2014

Adobe LiveCycle Beginners Guide--- Chapter 2 Simple Dynamic Forms --Text Fields

Simple Flowing Text field

This sample text field keeps growing as you enter data to the field.
It flows from top to bottom from one page to another.

Mastering Text Field
This sample forms contains different text field formatting.

Dynamic growing and flowing Text Field.

Introduction to Master Pages
  • Creating Master pages
  • Creating Master Pages in different orientation
  • Creating  Watermarks
  • Creating Logos ,Headers , Footers, Information area,page no., Bar code etc.

Mastering Master pages

Portrait Pages with Flow layout and LandScape Pages with Flow Layout.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Adobe LiveCycle Beginners Guide--- Chapter 1 Simple Static Forms

Adobe LiveCycle beginners. I hope this blog will help you to learn Adobe Livecycle with minimum help.
Adobe Livecycle has many modules. The following are the List of modules:

We will start with Adobe Livecycle forms.

Prerequisite :

1) Adobe Livecycle Forms Designer 

You can get trial version for 62 days from Adobe website.

Its good to have an idea on following skills :

Basics of JavaScripts/ Formcalc or both.
Basics of XML, XSD, Xpath etc.

Adobe Livecycle forms basically in two types:

1) Static Forms
2) Dynamic Forms

Whats is the difference between Static and Dynamic forms?(Interview Question)
You can get it from Adobe.

Sample files :
Note: Please open files in Adobe Livecycle designer.

Simplest Adobe LiveCycle Static Form.

Static Form with Text Field and Labels.

You can create a text field in different ways. Below sample contains different ways of creating text field with label.