Monday, December 9, 2013

Best Practice for Adobe LiveCycle forms Design-3

Adobe LiveCycle Forms Performance Turning:

1)Always prefer Binding Over scripting.

2)Try to push most of the validation to back end.

3)Never ever implement any business logic to Forms end.

4)Try to minimise hide and display logic.

5)Try to use less components as possible.

6)Try to not to push unwanted data to the Forms.

7)Try to have simple XMl struture. Complex XMl struture will bring difficulty in parsing.

8)Try to use fragments if it is a common block.

9)Not to use fragments if the block of components is not used any where else.

10)Use variable to store the values calculated. This will helps us to avoid unwanted recalculation and unwanted scripting.

11)Even if recalculation needed. Usage of variable will help us to limit scripting to a great extend.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Best Practice for Adobe LiveCycle forms Design-2

Adobe LiveCycle Forms Development :
1) Create the form is right size.(A4,letter etc)

2) Select the right option to create form which helps to reduce your developing effort.(From existing form, from Doc etc)

3) Use the Fragment library to store and reuse the fragments.

4) Carefully select the type of form(XDP,PDF etc)

5) Create script library to store the common Script components.

6) Create separate Script objects for different type of functions. 
    eg: Common functions like date format will be saved in utility script object. 
         Functions related business validation stored in separate script objects.
7) Declare global variable in main form. 
      This helps to calculate values in one fragment and used in another fragment or in main form itself.  
      Please be careful about the location you are initializing the variable. 
      eg: If you are initializing in "Calculate" event and try to access in "Initialize" event. you may not get the                  expected value.

8) Select the right components from the Component library. eg: date field for date values.

9) Identify the common components and create fragments and use scripts to adjust the extra unwanted fields.

10) Create only fragments for main forms which share common business function. eg: If you have a main forms for 2 different department better don't share components between the main forms. It will save lot of testing effort.

11) Identify the configurable and reusable components and store in database.
      eg: Logo ,signatures, versions, form name etc... so that you can change it any time with out any changes              in form.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Best Practice for Adobe LiveCycle forms Design-1

Pre design practices:

1) Create a Adobe Livecycle forms design Specification document.
 This document contains forms standards we are going to use across all the forms.
 The following are the important details we have to include in the document:
 a) Master Pages Specifications
     Define all master pages specifications. Which includes 
      * Size of the content area 
      * Layout (Landscape /Portrait)
      * Header 
      * Footer
      * Page numbers
      * Bar codes
      * QR codes 
      * All components which you want to be in all pages at a particular location.
Note:   While defining the Content area please include the margins.

If you have more than one master page. Please define it in the spec.

2) Define all the Font size and color  (RGB).
3) Define the height and with of common components. Define its space from top,bottom ,right and left.
4) Define Alignment of each components.
5) Define Border color and size.
6) Define Naming convention for components, variables ,fields etc.